Education Authorities

East Belfast mum on daughter not able to attend special school due to lack of Education Authority bus drivers

A Belfast mum has spoken out about the impact a lack of school bus drivers is having on her daughter with learning difficulties.

Wendy Gorman’s daughter, Scarlett, 11, has autism, severe learning difficulties, and low mobility in the lower half of her body.

She goes to Mitchell House Special School in East Belfast but is now into her second week of not being able to attend due to a lack of Education Authority bus drivers to bring her to school.

But Wendy discovered while talking to parents who have children at other special schools around Belfast, this issue isn’t just localised to one school.

According to the Education Authority website, seven special schools throughout Northern Ireland will have transport services disrupted on Tuesday, November 30.

Of these schools, three are in Belfast – including Mitchell House.

Speaking to Belfast Live, Wendy opened up on the impact a lack of bus drivers has had on her daughter.

She said: “Scarlett is starting to lash out a bit more, she’s crying, she’s wanting to know why she can’t go to school.

“It means she’s stuck in the house the whole day. Her socialising has mostly been in school. During lockdown, she regressed and stopped speaking, so that’s a worry.

“She likes a strict routine – she knows what time to get breakfast, when to brush her teeth, and usually what time the bus comes. So when that bus doesn’t come, that’s when she’ll start getting anxious and checking the time, and wondering why the bus isn’t there and why she can’t go to school.

The 11-year-old is missing the routine of heading to school

“It’s the ripple effect of that the whole day. I don’t think people understand the way a small change can affect a child with special needs. The impact of her not going to school can regress her to never wanting to go back.”

Since Monday, November 22, Scarlett has been unable to attend school due to transportation issues.

In speaking to other parents with children at different special schools, Wendy said this “isn’t an isolated incident” and needs to be sorted out.

She added that Scarlett not being able to receive transport to school is in breach of her Individualised Education Programme (IEP) which includes special home to school transportation.

Additionally, Wendy’s brother has terminal cancer and so the family are trying to keep themselves safe for his protection. Due to this, she said she was shocked to later be told drivers were off with coronavirus without this reason being highlighted explicitly from the offset.

Wendy said: “We were told drivers were off with sickness, but later found out it was covid. My brother is fighting terminal cancer and my parents are in their 70s, so I wasn’t impressed last week when I found out three days later it was covid they were off with.

“This is the second year of covid being here, they can’t turn around and say this is a new thing.

“Surely they should have been expecting people being off sick to happen, why hasn’t there been a back up plan?”

Wendy added that when she contacted the Education Authority to ask if her daughter would be provided with alternative transport, she wasn’t happy with their response.

She said: “I asked if they were offering us any alternative transport and they said no. I reminded them that on her education plan, transport is added onto that, so they have an obligation to get her to school.

“I asked what was I meant to do, just keep her off? And was told that if I could arrange to get her taken to school, the EA would pay 52p a mile. I looked this up, a taxi service on average charges £2.80 per mile.

“Some kids do get taxis, so if they’re capable of sending a taxi, why aren’t they doing that for Scarlett? My child has a right to an education as everyone elses does, if another child is able to get a taxi to and from school, so should my child.

“It’s not that I’m wanting to keep her off, I can’t get her to school. Scarlett is autistic with severe learning difficulties, she has severe low mobility in her lower half, she’s part-time in a wheelchair.”

Wendy added that not being able to attend school is a health issue as well as an education issue for Scarlett, who receives therapies such as physiotherapy in school.

However, she added that this isn’t an isolated incident – it’s happening at special schools throughout Northern Ireland.

She added: “I don’t blame the school, they’re fantastic with her. It’s hard enough to deal with a child with special needs. I don’t just want to bring it down to Scarlett’s own illness, because this is happening to a lot of children with different needs.

“If the kids can’t get to school, they’re not getting their physio or any therapy they get there. So it’s not just education they’re missing, it’s health wise too. Their routine is just gone too, so our house turns into Scarlett being very, very upset.

“Kids need routine, the Education Authority need to uphold their contract.”

In a statement to Belfast Live, an Education Authority spokesperson said: “The daily challenges of Covid-19, alongside an industry shortage of drivers, continue to impact on our transport service.

“We have a range of contingency measures in place and work extremely hard to arrange cover, but this may not always be possible. We work closely with schools to communicate any disruption and daily updates are posted on our website click here.“

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