Travel Bureau Asks Government to Open More Borders with Other Countries

Tours and Travel Agencies asked the government to open more borders or borders with other countries that recorded a low spread of Covid-19 cases. Travel & Hotels The expansion of the border opening must be done to maintain the momentum for the recovery of the tourism sector in 2022. Meanwhile, Indonesia will hold several international events at that time. “Several international events in 2022 are, of course, hope for Indonesian tourism to bring in more foreign tourists with the implementation of health protocols that are still measurable. One of the steps for opening the border can be done through travel bubble facilities. He asked the government to immediately expand the reach of the travel bubble in line with international events later.
We hope that in 2022, around the world Indonesia will open more borders with countries with a small number of positive Covid-19 cases, with any scheme, please, so that slowly the economy through tourism will pick up again,” he said. As previously reported, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno decided to postpone the implementation of the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) following the outbreak of the Covid-19 mutation with the Omicron variant at the end of this year.